Notice of Deficiency

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 Notification of Fire Safety Deficiencies

A Notification of Fire Safety Deficiencies identifies provisions and or procedures, which the Fire Authority considers as either lacking or not suitable and sufficient in regards to the  Premise.

Image showing the Deficiency Notice for London Fire Risk Assessments

This Notice carry’s no statutory force but may result in formal action being considered if agreed improvements do not take place to bring the Premises up to minimal standards with the Notice identifying that any failure to comply with any requirement of the legislation is an offence and the person responsible is liable to prosecution.

We can verify the required standards of any required improvements and we can ensure that full discussion does take place and that all options are considered, and agreed, by all involved parties before any proposals are formulated.

Although the Notice and attached Schedule will be issued without prejudice to any legal action which may subsequently be taken regarding the perceived failures to comply with the Legislation, the Fire Authority routinely “copy in” relevant Third Party organisations including Governing Bodies, Licensing Authorities, Ruling Councils, an Association, Institution and, or Commission.

This in itself could bring about further action and so it is important that you have someone in your corner, fighting for you.